Projects & Campaigns

We believe that we are the generation that was born with a purpose; to be the true Earth keepers. Our mission is to transform the economic model that is degrading the environment into one that trully nurtures the earth. We want to leave this planet in a better state than we found it. Since business plays a major role in environmental degradation, we believe it is the business that needs to take a leading role in solving the environmental issues, and become truly the stewards of nature.

Once we have dived deep into the organization and have created a strategy, we create and implement green projects which can be pretty much anything you can think of. We plant trees and bee-friendly plants, clean river beds, create bee gardens, micro forests, public parks, and organize events and team bonding activities in nature.

The saying goes “When you do a good job, make sure everybody knows about it” In our essence, we are storytellers with vast experience in marketing, filmmaking, corporate branding and design. Combining video production and our love of nature, we produce videos, and design campaigns that tell inspiring stories about brands that truly care for nature.

We believe that we are the generation that was born with a purpose; to be the true Earth keepers. 
Lets work together. 


Tadeuša Košćuška 88a
11000 Belgrade, Serbia
+381 (64) 8444169
+381 (65) 6502200


Business Design Centre, 
52 Upper Street, London
+44 20 711 28853


Landhausstraße 28,
70190 Stuttgart, Germany
+49 711 2626244


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