Eco Pavillion
Project Type: Green Architecture Project
Client: USAID
Year: 2019.
Supernatural experimented with various green topics and one of those was green architecture. Buildings we live in and work in contribute to more than 50% of C02 emission, and are major polluters of our environment.
That’s why green architecture as a model for the future is so important. Supported by USAID, we have launched a national campaign for young architects and designers to engage in creating “Supernatural green pavilion”. A real treat for the architects was bringing Edouard Francois a leading world protagonist of green architecture to Belgrade to lecture at the University of Architecture . The result was 150 architects participated in the campaign with a winning design, by Kako Ko studio, being built and exhibited in city center and the festival
We believe that we are the generation that was born with a purpose; to be the true Earth keepers.
Lets work together.
Tadeuša Košćuška 88a
11000 Belgrade, Serbia
+381 (64) 8444169
+381 (65) 6502200
Business Design Centre,
52 Upper Street, London
+44 20 711 28853
Landhausstraße 28,
70190 Stuttgart, Germany
+49 711 2626244
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