

We started in 2007. as Supernatural festival, celebrating International Earth Day, 22 april. The festival was a playground where we gathered environmental activists, experts, NGO’s, celebrities, media.. to promote the values of love and respect towards Mother Earth. It was an “edutainment platform” where you can learn about biodiversity and environmental protection, while having a good time.

In 2011. we started a project “From waste dump to park” where we cleaned up a 12 ha construction waste dump on a river island, revitalized the entire ecosystem and created a park. In 2014. Supernatural park project received an award in the EU parliament, voted the best project in Europe. Once a waste dump, inaccessible to public, after 11 years became a forest with 41 spices of plants, 91 spices of birds, abundant with wild life. Biodiversity of the island was completely restored and the newly formed forest in 2021. was protected in the Belgrade city planning documents.

Than we got active in the film making, produced and directed few films and campaigns, voted the best in the world. Soul food campaign about Serbian authentic food heritage and Danube – 588 impressions, about ther river Danube got us 24 awards internationally as best global tourist campaigns.

Working as environmental activists, we soon realized that environmental challenges on our planet are caused by the linear economic system. The system where we buy, use and trash is a linear economic model that is degrading the environment. That is why we became  Supernatural corporation – a green impact organization, that works with business sector in creating inspiring projects and campaigns that are good for the people and good for planet.


What we do.

Impact Assessment & Environmental Strategy
In partnership with accredited environmental institutions and experts, we calculate how much resources a company uses to operate its business. We then give proposals, recommendations and roadmaps on how to give nature back. The basic assessment focuses on energy, C02 emissions, water, paper and waste.

We than advise business sector and design environmental strategies, which are aligned with the company and brand mission, vision and values as well as with UN Sustainable development goals (UNSDG). The outcome of strategy are projects that benefit the employees, local community the planet, and have a positive impact on the business.
Green business education program
We organize inspiring lectures and workshops for employees. The educational module ranges form topics such as circular economy,  ecology,  biodiversity, ecosystem services.. Additionally we organize practical workshops in beekeeping, gardening,  birdwatching, forest ecosystems, camping.. and organize team bonding field trips in nature. The lectures and workshops have the aim to increase environmental awareness, knowledge and skills of the employees and have an impact on sense of purpose and  loyalty
Once we have dived deep into the organization and have created a strategy, we create and implement green projects which can be pretty much anything you can think of. We plant trees and bee friendly plants, clean river beds, create bee gardens, micro forests, public parks, organize events and team bonding activities in nature.
The saying goes “When you do a good job, make sure everybody knows about it” In our essence, we are storytellers with vast experience in marketing, film making, corporate branding and design. Combing video production and our love of nature, we produce videos, design campaigns that tell inspiring stories about brands that truly care for nature.
Working with accredited scientific institutions and worldwide team of experts we make sure that the projects we carry out together with the business sector are in tune with environmental science, in accordance with local, EU, UN, and global regulations.
It is important to honor businesses and brands that truly care for nature and communities, and to distinguish them form greenwashing.  Certification is sign that the company has started the transformation process internally and externally, has embraced nature stewardship as a core value. It is a sign that the company is fully committed towards creating a new economical paradigm, that puts well being of nature, employees and communities  on the top of their priorities.

We are all in the process of transforming the liner economic model, that is degrading the environment into a circular system, a system that respects the Earth and  natural laws,   gives back to nature and communities.  That is why it is important to stand out as business that is good for the people and good for the planet.



First we dive deep to see how green your business is. Based on the data collected we set goals where we want to be and create roadmaps and strategies how to get there.

Than we get creative and practical. Together with management of the company we create, plan and implement environmental projects and campaigns.

Transformation of a business from linear to circular model is a process. We designed programs,  simple step by step process to achieve desired goals. Transforming a company from internal to external changes that will benefit the company and the employees, and attain the reputation of a business that truly cares for nature.  

We create a strategic approach to development and promoton, with a goal to embrace the “net zero” and „best for the world“ paradigm and to make „green way of working“ a standard.


1. Green impact assessment:

  • Deep dive into organization, collecting and analyzing data.
  • Recognizing & setting short term goals, basic requirements for transformation of the company to go green.
  • Green business education program

2. Creating a sustainability strategy

  • Set mid and long term goals towards net zero company
  • Create concepts for projects and campaigns
  • Start internal and external projects, that will affect the company, employees, nature and communities and have positive impact on a company image

3. Green standard

  • Make a legal commitment in corporate governance structure, embracing green paradigm net zero and best for the world and becoming accountable to all stakeholders. Making sustainability a standard within the business company.
  • Develop long term net zero strategy, implementation plans and communication
  • Attain Supernatural Corporation certificate

4. GB Gen – Green business generation

  • Shifting from linear to circular system
  • Green company status and image
  • A leader in environmental stewardship

Why we do it.


We believe that we are the generation that was born with a purpose to be the true Earth keepers. Our mission is to leave this planet in a better state than we found it. Since business plays a major role in environmental degradation, we believe it is the business that needs to take a leading role in solving the environmental issues, and become truly  the stewards of nature. We deeply love and respect the Earth. It creates our clean water and air we breathe, it feeds us and nurtures us, it provides wood for our papers and homes. It is vital that we work in tune with nature.




Srdjan Stanković 
After graduating from Richmond University, The Americal  College in London. Srdjan spent a decade in the business sector working in the beer and textile industry.  He decided to leave the business world and pursue a career as an environmental activist.  In 2007 he founded Supernatural NGO, green impact organization, and life started to have a purpose. In 2021. Srdjan attained a Master degree in Environmental protection at Futura, Faculty of applied ecology in Belgrade and has become an environmental entrepreneur, working on various green projects. Srdjan is a beekeeper, a scuba diver and a mountain trekker with a deep connection with Mother Earth. It is not a surprise, he was born on on Earth Day,  Aprill 22 :)

Kosta Rakićević 
Working in various domains of visual communication, focusing on art, design & film. Founder of Korak Studio, relevant graphic design practice working between London and Belgrade. His work took part in numerous recognised design exhibitions and shows, published in number of books on graphic design, and recognised by renowned visual art and design platforms. Flexible aesthetic approach has led him to work as a director, art director and visual effects supervisor in a number of film, music and TV projects, and later also as a co-producer of internationally awarded films. 

Partners / Experts:

Tijana Marković – PR and Communication expert
Bojana Ignjaćević – Environmental Lawyer

Stanko Rajić – President of Belgrade society of Beekeepers
Maja Kovač – Plant Expert
Goran Stanković – Film Director
Jelena Srećković – Corporate Communications expert
Marko Vučenović – Environmental law expert
Stefan Barth - Danube projects partner

We believe that we are the generation that was born with a purpose; to be the true Earth keepers. 
Lets work together. 


Tadeuša Košćuška 88a
11000 Belgrade, Serbia
+381 (64) 8444169
+381 (65) 6502200


Business Design Centre, 
52 Upper Street, London
+44 20 711 28853


Landhausstraße 28,
70190 Stuttgart, Germany
+49 711 2626244


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