

We believe that we are the generation that was born with a purpose; to be the true Earth keepers. Our mission is to leave this planet in a better state than we found it. Since business plays a major role in environmental degradation, we believe it is the business that needs to take a leading role in solving the environmental issues, and become truly the stewards of nature.

We deeply love and respect the Earth. If we look around the world, the diversity of life, and how the earth is organized, it is a really well organized system. This system is influencing out lives in a strong way. It creates our clean water, our raw materials, our food, our clean air. Humans are integral part of this complex super organism, that we call Earth. Wellbeing of Earth is our wellbeing.

The perfect life system that has been in the making for ions, we the humans managed to degrade in less than 200 years.

We have come to the point where we have seriously degraded the environment, and have disrupted the balance between humans and other living organism.  Environmental degradation and our way of life and a way of conducting our businesses  has polluted our air, poisoned our food and waters, caused extinction of species,  has created  health hazards across the globe for local communities.

This is why the solution to the current global environmental crisis lays in the hands of the business sector. Business sector needs to change the way it conducts the business. Purpose before profit and  best for the world, is the new paradigm.

Supernatural works closely with the business sector; to create, plan and implement impact projects that are beneficial to the brands bud also benefit the environment and the communities. We strongly believe, in fact we know, that this is the way forward for the business and communities, and we have chosen to become experts in this field and provide creative and impactful projects.

Transformation from linear economic model, which can be summed up in three words: buy, use, trash, into a circular model and creation of a new business paradigm, which s in tune with nature is what we are about.

Lets co-create .

GBGen- Green Business Generation.


Solving environmental issues on or planet is a generational job. Not one person, not one company, not one government will solve it. We as a generation will; it is our generational purpose.

In order to shift form linear economic model, which is degrading the environment, into a circular model which nurtures the earth, we all need to work together on this transformation. That is why we are inviting companies to join the green business generation movement,  a  collective of business activists who can use the power of business for a better and greener world.

It is envisioned as a network of people and companies, leading by example and inspiring businesses to apply environmental solutions in everyday actions.

Green business generation works to appeal to a new generation who see value of business through environmental stewardship, and working together in synergy we amplify the impact of brands and companies.

We organize conferences, joint meetings, debates and events, where we share ideas and information, learn about what is happening locally and worldwide and seek ways to work together on the most important transformation for our generation. 

Together we are creating a new economic model and society that lives in harmony with nature.

Join the movement.

We believe that we are the generation that was born with a purpose; to be the true Earth keepers. 
Lets work together. 


Tadeuša Košćuška 88a
11000 Belgrade, Serbia
+381 (64) 8444169
+381 (65) 6502200


Business Design Centre, 
52 Upper Street, London
+44 20 711 28853


Landhausstraße 28,
70190 Stuttgart, Germany
+49 711 2626244


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