Danube - 588 Impressions
Project Type: Eco Tourism Campaign
Client: TOS Serbia
Year: 2019.
If we were to choose top three projects we ever did, this would be the one. Danube in Serbia, 588 impressions is an AD, or more like a short film, that we produced and directed for National tourist organization of Serbia.
The film tells a story about incredible river Danube, lush landscapes, marshlands, river islands, biodiversity and diversity of culture, a thousands colors, sound and tatses, about the river that connects.
We are really proud of this one, not only because the project was so exciting to work on, but because it brought us 12 international awards as the best touristic film in the world, and was seen by millions worldwide, promoting Serbia and the Danube globally.
We believe that we are the generation that was born with a purpose; to be the true Earth keepers.
Lets work together.
Tadeuša Košćuška 88a
11000 Belgrade, Serbia
+381 (64) 8444169
+381 (65) 6502200
Business Design Centre,
52 Upper Street, London
+44 20 711 28853
Landhausstraße 28,
70190 Stuttgart, Germany
+49 711 2626244
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